Full body lifecasting and other large sculptures

Full body lifecasting and multi-part body moulding is one of the most challenging and exciting areas of lifecasting that we are involved in. We have created large and complex lifecasts for a variety of purposes - from collaborations with other artists, creating fake bodies and formers for the film and television industry, the creation of garden sculptures for the RHS Chelsea Flower Show, to private commissions and our own fine art creations. You are not limited by the finishes, styles and poses you see in this gallery. Although full body lifecasting is costly and can be challenging, we can advise you on the best methods to suit your intended outcome, and you can be assured we put model safety at the forefront of any of our artistic endeavours. To enquire about larger, complex lifecasts like these, first read the information below this gallery and then fill in the enquiry form at the bottom of the pricing page HERE.

  • For commercial or artistic purposes, there are many occasions which call for the entire body or very large areas of the body to be cast. The resulting sculpture can be made in a variety of materials from bronze to bread!
  • Due to the physical challenges of full body lifecasting, more than one lifecaster plus skilled assistants are required for such jobs. The process is also challenging for the model who may have to stay still in the pose for some time, with quite a heavy mould forming around them.
  • Choosing the right pose for the job can be one of the most crucial parts of full body lifecasting. The body is normally moulded in more than one section (depending on the pose and desired outcome), and pieced together afterwards, with the joins being re-sculpted and retextured to create a cohesive sculpture.
  • Full body lifecasting is not to be undertaken by beginners at home, and art students wishing to try it should research it thoroughly before attempting to do it on friends as injury can be caused by people who don't know what they are doing or even worse, only half-know what they are doing but think they know it all (as a general rule, YouTube should be avoided as reference unless you have thoroughly vetted the creator of the training video). However, with over 40 collective years lifecasting experience between us at Rockabelly Lifecasts you are in very safe hands for your more advanced lifecasting needs.
  • Prices vary hugely depending on size, pose, complexity, material finish and installation costs, but start from a few thousand pounds. If interested in commissioning us please email with as many details as possible of your idea so that we can give you a price guide or to save time, fill out the questionnaire form on the price guide page (click the button below). Time is another factor to consider as large lifecasts usually take several months to produce depending on the chosen material. Despite the many challenges of full body lifecasting, we are here to advise and help you avoid any pitfalls, and to create your desired outcome with seamless professionalism at every stage.