Directions if traveling by train

Our nearest mainline station is Maidstone East, and there are regular direct services running to and from London Victoria all day, as well as sporadic services from other London stations. There is a taxi rank immediately outside the station, but most people can manage the easy 4 minute walk to Rockabelly Lifecasts from the station.

To find us, exit the station and walk to the top of the road to the traffic lights and cross over towards the large white Georgian facade of 'County Hall'. Walk up to County Hall and follow the pavement round the right hand side of the building, which joins up to the big ragstone wall of Maidstone Prison. Keeping the prison wall on your left, walk all the way round to the back (you will have to turn to the left within about a minute, still keeping the wall on your left). When you are right round the back of the prison wall/County Hall, with the wall still on your left you will see another set of traffic lights in front of you. Cross over here into Boxley Road. You should now be able to see the Esso Garage on the left hand side of the road. Rockabelly Lifecasts is at 153 Boxley Road, the terracotta-coloured building just a few doors up on the left from the Esso Garage.

If coming from Maidstone Barracks station, exit the station via the steps and cross the road to the pavement opposite. Turn right and follow the path across the railway bridge over the River Medway. This will lead you to Maidstone East station where you can follow the directions above or get a taxi from the rank on the opposite side of the station.